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Leadership Positions

We are looking for few key positions at this time. Apply soon to be part of the leadership board!

Director of Education​

This role requires you to organize workshops and plan curriculum to raise awareness in schools and the larger community about prison reform. Ideally, this person is someone who enjoys teaching and is interested in learning more about prisons themselves.

Director of Research & Writing

This role requires you to lead the Research & Writing Committee in writing and editing articles about prisons. Ideally, this is a person who has experience in writing/journalism and will uplift the voices of incarcerated people.

Creative Director

This role may involve regularly posting on our social media account, video editing skills, and maintaining our website. In general, this role is more flexible and can be changed depending on what creative ideas the candidate has.

Chapter Lead

In this role, you will represent your school or state for prison reform initiatives for youth. We will provide you with the resources to organize book drives and events, start a club in your school, or raise awareness in any other way that you are interested in. 
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